Your trademark is an essential feature of your company. By registering a trademark, you can protect your business' image and reputation from infringement. Once you register your trademark, it is up to you to assert your rights. If someone infringes upon your...
intellectual property law
Is décor theft an issue of intellectual property?
In today's competitive and often oversaturated market, attracting and keeping customers is not only crucial, but it is also often one of the trickiest parts of success. Having a distinct look and feel to your physical business is one way to start setting your brand...
What is contributory trademark infringement?
A trademark is a key component of a business. Your trademark symbolizes your company's reputation and values and the brand that you have worked hard to build. Therefore, it is important to protect it from infringement. Direct trademark infringement can do serious...
What can a cease and desist letter do for you?
A cease and desist letter is a document that serves as an acknowledgment that you are aware that someone else is doing something that could harm your business, such as engaging in copyright infringement. The letter also serves as a warning for that person to stop the...
What kind of patent do you need?
A patent is a type of intellectual property protection for inventions and technological innovations. If you have a new invention, you can apply for a patent, which gives you the right to prevent others from making or selling the same or a similar invention. According...
Understanding the types of copyright infringement
Trademarks have federal protection, and you can take legal action against someone infringing on your trademarks. Remember that, in order to protect your trademarks, you should understand the different types of infringement first. The more you understand, the easier it...
Statistics on intellectual property cases
If another party uses your intellectual property in an illegal manner, this could generate strong emotions and financial challenges. In some instances, these violations can tarnish a brand's image, confuse customers, result in the loss of sensitive information and...
Are service marks the same as trademarks?
When marketing your product or service, you need a distinctive image and style that allows your customers to recognize you instantly. Trademarks and service marks are slightly different, but they serve the same purpose, which is to distinguish your goods and services...
How could protecting intellectual properties help businesses?
Many businesses rely on their proprietary data, product design and services to generate income. Without taking steps to protect vital intellectual property, a business could fall victim to impersonation and loss of revenue. As described by, sellers and online...
What are possible responses to a cease and desist letter?
If you have registered a trademark for your business, you understand the importance of protecting it from illegal use. Competitors that misuse your mark risk diluting its effectiveness and harming your business. Should you discover that another business has...