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The Lanham Act Is 75 Years Old; Here’s Why It’s Important

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2021 | intellectual property law

Whether you run a business or you are thinking about starting your own firm, it is important to understand various legal matters related to intellectual property. For example, you have to ensure that you protect your brand and address trademark infringement or other violations that could jeopardize the reputation of your business as well as your bottom line.

Fortunately, a number of protections are in place to help business owners address intellectual property violations, such as the Lanham Act. Make sure you familiarize yourself with these laws.

What is the Lanham Act?

The Lanham Act played (and continues to play) a critical role in the commercial development of the United States. In fact, the United States Patent and Trademark Office recently celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Lanham Act. The Act, signed into law by President Harry S. Truman in 1946, provides trademark registration through a nationwide system. Thanks to this act, trademark owners have federal protection against similar marks that could result in confusion among consumers.

How does the Lanham Act benefit business owners?

For business owners, entrepreneurs as well as consumers, the Lanham Act offers a number of protections. Under this act, business owners have the ability to defend their brand, while consumers can make informed decisions. This act allows businesses and entrepreneurs who experience trademark infringement to take action and maintain the integrity of their brands.

Thanks to the Lanham Act, the marketplace is safer and fairer. If you are struggling with trademark infringement or any legal issues related to intellectual property, make sure you understand your rights and take action to safeguard your interests.
